Tag Archives: allergies

Don’t Use Antibacterials To Fight Seasonal Allergies and Colds

Although almost everyone loves spring, nobody likes the allergies or seasonal colds that come along with it. That doesn’t mean you should depend on antibacterials to solve your problems. Many name brand lotions and soaps include a toxic chemical known as Triclosan. This chemical is found in about 75% of peoples’ urine and stores itself in tissue in the body. When using lotions with this chemical, it’s very easy for the oils to seep through the skin and into the blood stream. Some dish liquids have this chemical, which when reacted with chlorine in tap water, can form a toxic gas. This chemical is found in so many everyday products we use. Instead, try using generic creams and soaps to reduce the risk of having excessive amounts of Triclosan in your system.

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Sneezing in the City? Here’s Why

With so few trees in some urban areas, it is a puzzle why so many city dwellers suffer more than rural residents from debilitating allergies. You can thank City Planners. Decades ago, all-male trees were planted in urban areas for landscaping. Unlike female trees, male trees and shrubs do not drop messy fruit, seeds or pods. Male trees just emit pollen.

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